Welcome Back ASD!

Today was the offical first day of the 2021-22 school year for Auburn Students, grades 1-12. Kindergarteners make their debut next week on September 13! (Have you bookmarked the ASD calendar yet? It is a truly great resource!)

Concept of education. School background with hand drawn school supplies and comic speech bubble with Welcome Back to School lettering in pop art style on white.

This was a big first day in our household, a transition to middle school and the first day of in-person learning since early Spring 2020. The district I worked in started nearly two weeks ago, and we had a school board meeting tonight, so this was a long day for our little family.

What made this year different and what made today special, oddly enough are not so dissimilar from other first days of school. The new outfit, packing the school supplies the night before, the back to school information nights – all familiar parts of our routine as an Auburn SD family.

Of course, COVID-19 cases and transmission rates continue to be in South King County, and this is anything but typical in our history of first days. However, the communication from the school and the district has been excellent, students continue to do a fantastic job with masks, and our district leaders continue to lead through this pandemic keeping safety and learning as their top priotities.

I recognize that in-person learning is not the preference for all families, and I am greatful our district has options for families to choose from. I know some students and families may be experiencing hesitation or anxiety, but from my experience as a district leader, Auburn SD continues to do an excellent job to minimize risk and maximize safety for students and staff.

We are excited for this school year, greatful for the district’s community partnerships that provide so many supports for families like ours, and we appreciate all the work that has been done and will continue to be done to ensure this is a great year of learning! Of course, today was only day one, but I am even greatful for the new band insturment in our home, haha.

As a parent, and potential school board member, there are many unknowns going into this year. What I do not doubt is the ability for our educators, school leaders, staff and board to continue navigating the changes that will undoubtledly come while continuing to focus on student learning. We are excited to be back in school, we are greatful for the community partnerships, the hard work and dedication of staff, and all that this year of learning will bring!

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